Marstair designs bespoke solutions for many end-users in the leisure sector, including breweries, public houses, hotels, restaurants, museums, and zoological applications. The leisure sector is probably the most diverse sector when it comes to bespoke solutions to cater for particular needs.
What we deliver:
At the centre of designing bespoke projects for end-users in the leisure sectors are:
- Preserving expensive products or historical items
- Lowering carbon emissions produced by the demand needed for air-conditioning and refrigeration
- Enhancing customer/visitors’ experience when they visit the premises
The leisure sector tends to handle many temperature sensitive products, it can cost a business enormously if their refrigeration solution isn’t working efficiently or if the solution breaks down unexpectedly and loose stock.
This is why we have worked with large and independent companies in the leisure industries for many years. Our products, combined with our specialist engineering design team, delivers the perfect solution for efficient running costs, with low risk to breakdowns due to our monitoring technology built-in the solution.